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The Legal Paige - Can I Sell My Canva-Made Graphic?!

Can I Sell My Canva-Made Graphic?!

Do you use a graphic design program, like Canva, to make graphics for your blog or business? Me too! I love Canva! But, there are some things you need to know to follow copyright laws.

Is it illegal to resell a graphic created from a Canva template? The simple answer is that YES it is illegal. However, there are some exceptions to this. Let's dig into the logistics!

Canva generally does not allow you to use their graphic templates to make an infographic and then resell it. This is against the law and violates Canva’s copyright.

Simply changing the content of the design without changing the entirety of the design is not considered creating original work. Therefore, you cannot resell this product and consider it your own work.

There is an exception to the resale rule.

Canva has free content that users can utilize for resale. Under their licensing agreement, you can use the free photos, music, and video files on Canva for commercial and noncommercial use.

This means you can create designs for resale using designs that include free imaging, music, or video files. Canva is a great tool to use to upscale your business by creating designs and graphics for you to use, even as a basic Canva user. This is what Canva is intended for!

However, when using a clipart image it needs to be set on a completely original template and cannot be used as the trademark or logo for your business (if you want to make a logo/trademark on Canva, it would have to be 100% originally made by you without the usage of clipart or imagery provided by Canva).

This means you can use any templates you make on Canva for your own business’s flyers, ads, blog post images, IG graphics, etc. You can even sell this template through Canva’s marketplace under Creative Canva Templates. This is a great way to make money through Canva.


Does buying a license through Canva change this?

Canva offers two types of licenses:

  1. Free content, and

  2. Canva Pro licenses.

Free content licenses are for free users that want to use an image, music, or video from Canva that is inaccessible to all non-Canva Pro members. You will need to pay a one-time fee and will only be able to use the purchased item ONCE. If you want a new design with the same image you will need to purchase it again. If you pay a monthly fee to be a Canva subscriber you receive unlimited one-time use licenses for designs but you will need to request the license to reuse the design.

So how does this play into the actual use of the Canva cliparts, images, designs, and videos? When you purchase a design or image you are now allowed to use it for personal OR commercial use. But this is often confused by biz owners as having the ability to sell that template graphic, which is not the case. All it means is that the licensed template is now permitted to be used by your business on templates as long as they are not being sold. Therefore, you can change the composition, colors, and content of the template design to make it your own.

For example, under permitted uses for one-time use licenses, if the content is completely altered and made your own, you can put the template you make on posters, prints, t-shirts and so on. It is critical that you ensure the purchased item is changed enough that it is not recognized as an actual Canva template product. To avoid any confusion or copyright infringement, you should submit the design to the Canva Support Team for approval. Here is the link!



So, how can I actually sell or make money off a graphic I made in Canva?!

You CAN resell an infographic that is a completely original design that you created on Canva.


If you create your own, custom and original design simply using a blank slate on the Canva program, you CAN resell the final product. If you are going to sell original infographics or template designs (such as template pdf, template blog imagery, template IG story graphics, etc.), for legal purposes make sure to mention in your sale that the template is not affiliated with Canva in any official way.

Additionally, ensure that your final product is 100% original, and does not simply copy Canva’s or any third party’s templates.


Can I share my design through a subscription model or allow my clients to use them?

This is a tricky element of Canva as there are some clashing rules when it comes to sharing your designs and content. If it is a completely original design then you do not need to worry. However, if you are using a Canva template design for free or a license there are a few things to look out for. This is based on what you are using the shared material for, who is using it, and how altered the material is.

If you purchased the design or template AND are giving it away for free, then you can share it with your users. However, if your users pay to have access to your content or posts, then you absolutely CAN NOT share Canva material for free.

You may think “Why? I paid for it and it is now my design to use. My license SAID SO!” Though this may be true, if you are giving something away for free as a way to get them to subscribe, then users are paying for the template (technically). Essentially if you openly give it away as a “gift” for them subscribing for a fee that counts as a sale.

If your users are not paying for a subscription or any type of service from you, then you may allow them to use it. However, you are fully responsible if they use the template or design you provided and sell it as their own. Those copyright infringement violations will be at your sole discretion. Therefore it is not a good idea to give these types of designs out for free. If you do, ensure that your user is aware of this and that they will be held liable if this happens.


Big Takeaways

  1. If you want to use a design from Canva for merchandise, buy a license and completely alter the design, or create a design using the free content only. It is the best idea not to share the actual digital content with someone else unless it is 100% your original design, or if it comes from Canvas free content.

  2. You cannot use any design altered or unaltered, purchased or unpurchased as your trademark or logo. Those have to be 100% original as well.

  3. You should always review Canva’s legal policies for one-time use licenses, free-use licenses, and terms of use if you are unsure about using or selling a graphic made on the Canva platform. 

  4. Canva support is the best resource to ensure you are not improperly using a Canva design.


TLP's Take

Using a program like Canva is a great way for you to take advantage of a powerful graphic design hub without having to be a wiz at Adobe products.

That being said, you should be extremely careful not to violate any of the Canva terms and conditions, and be sure to not resell digital designs that are not rightfully yours.

It would be a nightmare to litigate a copyright infringement case with such a large company and that would certainly tarnish your credibility and reputation in the creative community.

Therefore, if you use Canva’s designs, GREAT! Just don’t claim them as your own. If you want to create original designs using Canva’s design platform, awesome! Just make sure that the designs are 100% your creative work.


Wondering if you can use a picture from Google? Click HERE to learn more.


THIS BLOG POST IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL ADVICE. EVERY SITUATION IS DIFFERENT & IS FACT-SPECIFIC. A proper legal analysis is necessary based on your location and contract. Consult an attorney in your home state for advice regarding your contract or specific legal situation.

See our full disclaimer here.

Previous article Everything You Need to Know About Third Party Payor Addendums


Whitney - July 7, 2021


Am I able to use canva’s clip art as part of my own designs to sell stickers?

Elvina - June 29, 2021

If I were to create digital planners on Canva and then sell them, is that allowed?

Pat - September 3, 2020


I will like some clarification. Starting on a blank slate on Canva can I use the text to write " Personal Shopper" underneath the words use a Canva graphic of a shopping bag. Then add a name on top of the bag for ex “Pat”. Will this violate any copyrights? Or is this my own original content? I cam up with it myself.

Elizabeth Voyles - September 3, 2020

Can I use Canva’s free templates to create opt-in freebies for my blog readers? (where they sign up for my email list and receive the freebie). I would not be selling what I create with the templates. But I would be giving it away to readers as a printable. I can’t find anything in the terms of use that specifically says this is ok.

Carista Ritchie - September 3, 2020

I have another question! So do I have to purchase a license from Canva to sell these things? I saw that there are one-use licenses and extended licenses and I’m just kind of confused! If I want to create a planner in Canva that is totally original (aside from the graphics/elements being Canva’s property) can I sell it without a license or do I need to purchase one? What do these cost? How does any of this apply to opt-ins or freebies? I’m a blogger and if I create a freebie in Canva can I just give it away to my email subscribers for free?

Maddie - July 15, 2020

So just to clarify, am I able to resell designs using the images canva has on their site?

Julie - July 7, 2020

Hi Beth!

So, it doesn’t have to be 100% – balance it in terms of copyright. You receive the stock photos from Canva included in your subscription, just don’t use someone else’s photos or pull from a Google search.

Beth - July 2, 2020

Thank you for this information! My question is what makes the final product 100%original? If I start from scratch with my own text and own layout but use a stock photo from Canva, is it still 100% original?

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