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Episode 42: What to Include In Your Independent Contractor Agreement

Episode 42: What to Include In Your Independent Contractor Agreement

Today we’re going to be discussing an important tool for all you business owners out there; Independent Contractor Agreements. These are super important to have for a variety of reasons, and you want to make sure ANY kind of hiring agreement you have is protecting you and your business. These types of contracts may seem scary but I PROMISE they’re not. Whenever you hire a virtual assistant, copywriter, social media manager, you name it, if they don’t have an agreement in place you will want to send them one of these puppies as the business owner. I’m going to be talking about confidentiality, fees, work product and so much more in this episode.

Some things we talked about:

  • What IS an Independent Contractor Agreement?
  • Why it's super important to have hiring agreements.
  • Important Clauses to have In your Agreement

Here are a few quotes:

  • (7:10) “First, hiring independent contractors can save you a lot of money, and can save you from lots of legal issues down the road.”
  • (8:58) "A document that lays out the terms for them coming on to be a worker and do some type of job in your business. It specifics that they are being hired for a very specific project or purpose, and it's very important you lay out what their duties are."
  • (11:40) "The work product is really important, it's a work for hire situation."
  • (12:00) "A copyright is assigned an owner at the time it's fixed in a tangible medium."
  • (14:36) "You want to make sure you have a confidentiality clause in your agreement and you also want to make sure to have a non disclosure agreement."
  • (17:01) "Right after the scope of work put a fee clause, that's really important, so how much is the contractor going to be paid, HOW are they going to be paid and then here you have to make sure in this clause that they send you an invoice."

Links mentioned:

The Legal Paige Shop 

Previous article Episode 112: What Sets TLP Contracts Apart From Other Online Contract Shops
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