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Episode 45: The Legal Paige 2019 Year in Review

Episode 45: The Legal Paige 2019 Year in Review


Today, I’m sharing with you my 2019 year in review. I wanted to put together this review episode not only for you all to hear about how my first year in business went, but also as a personal reminder to myself about all the ups and downs that I went through, and how the end of the year turned out beautifully and why I am so blessed to have what I have. 2019 was interesting, emotional, exciting, beyond my wildest dreams, challenging, but overall full of some of THE BIGGEST LEARNING LESSONS of my life.


Some things we talked about:

  • What HAPPENED in 2019
  • Some of the biggest lessons I learned as a business owner
  • My biggest challenges of 2019
  • Some changes ahead for The Legal Paige

Here are a few quotes:

  • (3:32) “I'm starting out my year in review with one of my biggest lessons: When I thought combining my brands “Paige Marie Photography” and “The Legal Paige” into one big brand “Paige Marie” was a good idea. Well, it wasn’t."
  • (8:33) "Hiring on contractors and having employees was another one of the biggest learning lessons for me as a boss, mentor, and also colleague."
  • (15:33) "Lots of therapy, lots of good chats with industry friends who’ve had employee turnover, and LOTS AND LOTS of self help books on working on myself as a manager and boss. I felt very much like I did so much wrong and I wanted to learn from my mistakes."
  • (20:31) "Pivoting hard was my motto for the year. I worked for about 2 months with a launch coach in hopes for my biggest offer yet. Welp, that didn't happen."
  • (39:27) "Doing less and less photography and focusing more on The Legal Paige. I want to see how giving 99% of my brain to The Legal Paige will help it grow. I am only shooting 5 weddings this year and that’s it. No mini sessions, no senior sessions, nothing else. Just my 40 hours a week or more devoted purely to The Legal Paige."
  • (42:57) "I’m proud of where I took this business in 1 year. I’m proud of everything I’ve done, my team members have done, and all of your support. I seriously can’t believe The Legal Paige has only been in business since September 2018. Its been a wild ride, that’s for sure. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything."

Links mentioned:

The Legal Paige Shop

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