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Episode 9: Pinterest, Your Secret Weapon to Business Growth



I am so so excited about today’s topic...drumroll… Pinterest!! Yep that’s right! Anndddd we’ve got an uber special guest, Vanessa Kynes!!! Vanessa is a Pinterest Marketing Strategist for creative small businesses. As a YouTuber, blogger, and consultant, she helps creative small businesses grow by teaching traffic-generating Pinterest strategies to increase their brand visibility, book more clients, and ultimately, generate more sales. All in all, she is pretty much the guru of Pinterest so I knew I needed to have her on the podcast. And she’s here today to chat all about it and how it is your secret weapon to business growth!! Are you ready to join our conversation?? Let’s do this!


In this episode we talked about:

  • How Vanessa got introduced to Pinterest and realizing it’s a powerhouse for driving traffic. She started off with one client, working hard, and strategically pushed herself out there to become the expert in her field.
  • Why Pinterest is so vital to use for your service-based business!
  • How Pinterest is a solution providing platform. You could use Pinterest to grow your email list, acquire new clients, or educate people on why they might need our digital products.
  • The types of content that performs best on Pinterest.
  • The important of getting good educational content on your blog post and then start using Pinterest.
  • How to get started using Pinterest as a service-based business: Switch to a business account, Claim your Domain, Discover your Core Keywords, Optimized your Profile.
  • Vanessa’s experience with transferring her LLC.
  • Some legal advice about privacy policy and client obligations.

Here’s a few quotes that we thought were awesome:

<7:26> “So that's like my big, huge tip for people to just be patient with yourself and keeps showing up and showing value to people who want to learn from you.”

<13:22> “Pinterest really is totally different. It's not a social platform. I mentioned earlier, it's for introverts.”

<16:22> “You don't just want to start pinning content that leads to your homepage or landing pages because they don't do as well. So make sure that you're continuing and thinking about ways that you can provide content that educates your audience and provides value.”

<22:06> “A really important strategy that you can have to increase the clicks to your website is creating many graphics for blog posts.”


Links Mentioned On Our Show:


Previous article Episode 113: How To Approach Black Friday Sales As A Business Owner
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