Episode 51: Candid Covid Convo
Looking back at the past week has been interesting. From my Costco run early on, to working on a webinar with Honeybook, to not being able to find Clorox wipes, to just processing the daily changes to our lives.
Here's the deal with me personally. I am confused, sad, scared, emotional, supportive, overwhelmed, trying to find the good in this... literally all the things. Its changed so drastically over the past 2 weeks. Just 14 days ago no one was really worried about having all kinds of bans in place for over 10 people. But, now that's our new reality.
Business-wise, it's also been an interesting week. I’ve been working side-by-side with small businesses all week long. And, you all know this, but I specifically work in the event industry world. Which is basically shattered across the board right now. Events and weddings can’t be held and people/businesses are losing thousands by the day.
This is unprecedented. This is one of those time periods that will be on the history books 50 years from now. We can’t control what's happening with the virus......but we CAN control our actions!
Thus, here's my plea to you:
- Stay home.
- Abide by CDC/Federal government guidelines
- Abide by mandated stay at home orders in your county/state.
- Take care of yourself first, then others.
- Be a kind and caring person during this time.
- Know that we are all in the same boat and will weather this storm together.
Now, you know I’ve got a law degree and this is basically my entire wheelhouse. While it's not fun to talk about contract and legal stuff, it's still pretty darn imperative for people to think about it right now. And, many people have NO choice in the matter because their clients are cancelling or rescheduling and they are having to go back and figure out exactly what their contracts say.
In this episode, after I share all my personal thoughts with Covid-19 interrupting our "normal" lives, I talk about what it looks like to reschedule and cancel events in the wedding industry world and how to best go about working with clients.
Tune in to hear all about it!
Things I talk about:
- My personal thoughts on the state of the world right now
- Updates to how Covid-19 is effecting small business owners
- Whats going on with the event industry
- Steps to take in YOUR business with reschedulings and cancellations
- Being better with finances as business owners
Here are a few quotes:
- “Figure out if your Force Majeure clause is triggered (likely because its becoming impossible to host events and perform your services). Then review your cancellation and rescheduling policies and the “refund ability” of your retainer/reservation fee or fees paid thus far. What do your contracts actually say."
- "Is there an actual county or state mandate/order that says no one can host events over 10 or 50 people? If so, then you don’t have to perform because that would essentially be the clients asking you to do something in violation of a government order. If there isn't a mandate, then can you mitigate the circumstances? Can you remove having a second shooter? Can you stand 6 feet away while you photograph? Can you still perform but initiate necessary safety measures. Can you have an associate shoot for you? "
- "If you aren’t able to perform, you don’t have to. But that is you as the service provider cancelling on them when you are required to try and cure your performance. So in that situation you are likely looking at a partial or full refund of amounts paid."
- "Identify when you can modify your existing contract with an addendum, when you should reschedule, and for a last resort when you should cancel altogether."
- "You always have the option to take your clients to collections, but you have to do a risk assessment on your business to determine if that’s a good option for you. Some downsides to this are potential client backlash, especially through through word of mouth, and lawsuits."
- "For the future: Hold your retainer payments! Think about keeping all retainers and fees paid in a holding account. Many of us are learning the hard way."
- "Cut your spending ASAP. For all the photographers listening, you can put a hold on Adobe for 60 days, Showit for 60 days, and try to cut other expenses if at all possible. Be smart with your business expenses right now to help ensure the long term viability of your business."
Links mentioned:

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