The wedding and event industry continues to grow year after year as more clients than ever create their dream wedding or event. To help fulfill this want, many event planners have started offering all-inclusive packaging for clients who want to...
Imagine this: You’ve been working every day for the past three years on your own business. You spend your weekends perfecting your website, and stay up late planning your social media content. You put every ounce of your creativity, passion,...
A common question popping up right now relates to dealing with 1099 forms. Do you need to only acquire a 1099-K form provided by PayPal or a similar third party payment processor, or should your client also send your business...
Are unsure whether your clients need to initial all the clauses in your contract? Not to worry, you came to the right place and we will get you ready for client initials and signatures in no time!
Are you on the fence about whether a The Legal Paige contract is right for you and your business?!The TLP team is here to help you to understand why we and thousands of other customers say that contracts are a...
Thinking about the worst-case scenario is never fun but at the end of the day, you need to protect yourself and your business! Clients need to know and acknowledge the risks involved with adventure sessions and elopements before agreeing to participate. If you are in the business of offering adventure services then you need a solid contract!
As online small business owners, it is nothing out of the ordinary for inquirers—or even booked clients!—to stop responding to you after a few weeks of communication (aka being “ghosted”). The term “ghosting” or “ghosted” means that someone has ended all communication with you without explaining why. When this happens it’s likely because they retained services elsewhere, are not wanting to pay you, have some personal issue going on, or simply changed their mind in some respect. Thus, what resources do you have if you already legally signed a contract with a client and now they have completely ceased communication with you? You have a few different options that we will go over below and TLP will explain what clauses you should put in your contract in order to get legally legit with your client's communication expectations.
Are you a new, aspiring small business owner trying to figure out the ins and outs of legally starting your business? Are you someone that has a business plan in place and is ready to start making money but needs legal help to be prepared? Or maybe you’re hearing terms like “LLC” and “sole proprietor”, but are not sure of the difference? TLP is here to help guide you through these business structures and explain the legal protections of each. By the end of this blog, you will be able to confidently know which business structure is best for your unique business.
Are you a thrifter or DIYer who uses online marketplaces to buy and sell items? I mean who doesn't like a good deal or steal from Facebook Marketplace or Offer Up?! What if you get a *like-new* air purifier from...
Founder and attorney at The Legal Paige, Paige is a certified Juris Doctor who helps entreprenuers become legally compliant online. Law aside, she's really just a small town Montana momma who loves her family, the lake, and a good glass of red wine.