Learn about legally hiring an associate photographer and ensuring that you basically are crossing all your T's and dotting all your I's.Read now
Episode 64: TLP Legal Ladies Chat: The Legacy of RBG (strengths, flaws, and why you must use your right to vote).
Read nowI am sitting down with my legal team from The Legal Paige, Melissa and Taiyler. We are getting into a candid conversation about another legal lady that we are very fond of and sadden to hear of her passing Ruth...
Episode 11: How to build your Team the RIGHT way
Read nowLegal Paigers!! If you tuned in last week you know I chatted all about the differences between independent contractors and employees. Well, friends, this week’s episode is an extension of that topic and I am bringing on my dear...
Episode 10: The BIG debate: Independent Contractors vs. Employees
Read nowToday, we are talking all how to hire someone onto your team the right way. As small business owners, entrepreneurs, and creatives, we need help managing our businesses as we grow! At a certain point, it just isn’t possible...