Renee Marie and I are talking all about the sticky legal situations you're going to want to avoid as a bridal stylist.Read now
Episode 83: Stop Being Afraid To Name Your Price With Ben Ramos
Photographer Ben Ramos and I discuss why we need to stop shying away from naming our price as service professionals.Read now -
Episode 13: My Go-To Implementation Strategy
Read nowHey hey!! Today's episode is a continuation of our biz talk from last week and is all about the implementation strategy I use when I’m working on creating a product, launching something, or really doing anything business related. People...
Episode 4: Get a grip on your biz funds with these money mindsets
Read nowDondrea Owens is a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA) who helps women entrepreneurs get a handle on their cash so that they can support their lifestyle, grow their business, and save for the future. Before launching The Creative’s CFO (Chief...
Work with your friends the right and legal way!
Read nowToday on the show, I discuss how to work with your friends and be legal doing it!! Trust me, I know how challenging it is to be an entrepreneur as I am one myself and built a photography business from...