Are we in Force Majeure? What happens if there was another shutdown? I am answering all of that and so much more!Read now
Episode 65: How to Take Retainer Payments the RIGHT Way
Read nowLISTEN ONAPPLE PODCAST • GOOGLE PODCAST • SPOTIFY Okay, who is ready for this episode, because I'm going to go over kind of a controversial topic, at least in the wedding and event industry that is specific to mainly photographers. All...
Episode 63: Must Have Principles As An Adventure Photographer - With Maddie Mae
When becoming an Adventure Elopement Photographer there are a few responsibilities and principles that you must follow. These rules, regulations, and standards have been set for a number of reasons including; protecting national parks and lands, and holding the industry to the highest standard. It's imperative that we *legally* protected with a leave no trace clause.Read now -
Episode 22: My Photography Reflection for 2019
I am talking to you all about my photography business and what my 2019 season looked like including lessons learned and what’s in store for 2020!Read now -
Episode 12: My BIG biz philosophy - Find the niche, fill the niche, kill the niche
Read nowHappy Monday friends! The past dozen episodes I’ve talked primarily about legal concepts that you as an entrepreneur should know and should be utilizing in your business. BUT, I also am a business coach for photographers, wedding industry professionals,...